


5 Years

B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) is a combination of BA and LLB subjects taught over a period of 5 years.

In the first two years, BA subjects are pre-dominant with relatively fewer LLB subjects. Bachelor of Arts & Laws (BALLB (Hons.) is a dual integrated professional degree course in law.

B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) covers Art subjects like Political Science, Economics, Sociology etc. as well as specialized law fields such as Tax Laws, Criminal Laws and Corporate Laws etc. B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) graduates enjoy a widespread demand. Students can be employed in both state and central government agencies or they can work for a private law firm. They can also practice as a lawyer independently.

Career Path

Students graduating with B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) degree from COER University have bright future prospects. They may build careers as

Litigating Lawyers
  • Judges
  • Legal Managers
  • Legal Consultant
  • Legal Advisor
Career path
Program Outcomes POS  
  • PO1

    Define,describe and discuss the first principle so flaw, major substantive an procedural laws,rules & regulations

  • PO2

    Identify and select appropriate legal information and sources,and devise legal research plans that reflect an understanding of sources of law, weight of authority, and the process of legal research.

  • PO3

    Write a variety of analytical and persuasive documents that are clear,concise,well-reasoned and organized.

  • PO4

    Identify,formulate and analyze complex legal issues,reaching substantial conclusions using first principles of law, natural justice and procedural laws having reviewed the relevant literature.

  • PO5

    Exhibit the ability to participate in problem solving/critical thinking and evolve alternate solutions from dynamic socio-economic and techno-legal perspectives.

  • PO6

    Demonstrate active listening and effective oral communication skills during client counseling, advocacy before courts and tribunals, and interaction with stakeholders.

  • PO7

    Show ethical and professional behavior as per the established norms of legal profession.

  • PO8

    Appraise the need for, and have readiness to engage in life-long learning independentlyinthebroadestcontextofchangesinlegalsector.

  • PO9

    Describe And discuss the concepts and in the field of law from diverse political,social,economic and global perspectives.

  • PO10

    Work collaboratively in multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary teams, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and engaging with professionals from different fields to address legal challenges.

  • PO11

    Demonstrate the ability to resolve complex legal issues and propose solutions related to the chosen Honors Specialization.

  • PO12

    Innovation and Entrepreneurship Learn to design innovative solutions for solving real life legal problems and addressing legal development issues with a passion for quality competency and holistic approach.

Program Objectives POS
  • PO1

    To provide an integrated education that combines the disciplines of arts and law, preparing students to become well-rounded legal professionals.

  • PO2

    To advance and propagate knowledge in both humanities and specialized law fields, ensuring students gain comprehensive insights into subjects such as Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Tax Laws, Criminal Laws, and Corporate Laws.

  • PO3

    To equip students with the skills necessary to conduct advanced research in both legal and social science domains, fostering the creation of intellectual property through the dual integrated program.

  • PO4

    To ensure high standards of performance in teaching and research by focusing on the interdisciplinary nature of arts and law, enabling students to excel in various legal careers within government agencies, private law firms, or independent practice.

Program Specific Outcome PSOs
  • PSO1

    Describe and discuss the concepts and theories in the field of law from diverse political, social, economic and global perspectives.

  • PSO2

    Work collaboratively in multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary teams, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and engage with professionals from different fields to address legal challenges.

  • PSO3

    Demonstrate the ability to resolve complex legal issues and propose solutions related to the chosen Honors Specialization.

Program Educational Objectives PEOS
  • PEO1

    Able to engage in the practice of law effectively, ethically, and professionally, which includes representing clients, providing legal advice, drafting legal documents, and advocating for clients' interests.

  • PEO2

    Possess persuasive oral and written communication skills, enabling them to impactfully negotiate and articulate legal propositions, draft legal documents, and effectively interact with clients,colleagues, and other stake holders.

  • PEO3

    Have proficiency in undertaking legal research, utilizing legal data bases and resources and are able to produce well-reasoned and persuasive legal documents.

  • PEO4

    Exhibit high analytical and critical thinking skills necessary oidentify,analyze,and solve complex legal Problems applying legal principles and precedent to various factual scenarios and makes sound legal judgments

  • PEO5

    Demonstrate skills in legal advocacy, including oral advocacy in courtrooms and alternative dispute resolution methods such as, arbitration and mediation,andeffectivelypresentarguments,representing clients' interestsin variouslegal forums.

  • PEO6

    Equipped with the ability to work collaboratively in multi disciplinary teams, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives of law and justice and engage with professionals from different fields to address Legal issues and solve complex problems..

  • PEO7

    Understand the importance of legal ethics,professionalism, and integrity in the practice of law, with commitment to uphold ethical standards and adhere to the principles of professional responsibility.

  • PEO8

    Recognize the importance of continuous learning, keeping abreast with developments in the law, and engage in ongoing professional development in line with evolving legal landscapes and emerging legal issues.

Admissions 2025
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  • COER University

    7th km on Roorkee – Haridwar Road, Vardhmanpuram, Roorkee – 247 667, Distt. Haridwar (Uttarakhand)

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