Pharmaceutics Lab
COER University's Pharmacy program boasts extensive hands-on training labs.
Machine Room
The machine room houses sophisticated machinery necessary for the formulations and development of tablets, capsules and other dosage forms, such as Ball Mill, Tablet punching Machine, Coating Pan, Spray Coater, BOD Incubator, Tapping device, Mixer and Shakers, Tray Drier, Ampoule Filling And Sealing Machine, Ampoule Washing Machine, Ampoule Clarity Test Apparatus, Disintegration Test Apparatus, Bottle Sealing Machine, Mechanical Sieve Shaker, Collapsible Tube Sealing Machine, Capsule Filling Machine, Friability Test Apparatus, Dissolution Test Apparatus, Collapsible Filling machine, Tray Drier, Grinding Mill/Mixer, Bottle Washing Machine, Hot Air Oven, Vacuum Pump, Auto Clave etc.

Pharmaceutics Laboratory
Pharmaceutical Laboratory Training for preparation ofdosage, Analysis of content of dosage forms.
10Station Rotary Tablet Machine
06Station Digital Dissolution Test Apparatus

The lab contains sophisticated instruments like 10 station rotary tablet machine, ampoule washing, filling, sealing and clarity testing apparatus, capsule filing machines, ointment filling machine, collapsible tube crimping machine, 6 station digital dissolution test apparatus, disintegration apparatus, friability and hardness tester for tablets, Infra red moisture balance, tincture press, dry granulator, wet granulator, tablet coating pan, ball mill, planetary mixer.

Pharmacology Laboratory
The lab is equipped with sophisticated instruments like isolated organ bath, assemblies for isolated tissue experiments, rota rod apparatus, analgesiomenter, convulsiometer, Cook’s pole apparatus etc.
Various experiments set up of the lab include isolated tissue experiments. In vivo pharmacological screening experiments for CNS, CVS, Respiratory, GIT, Renal drugs.
Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology Laboratory
The lab has a varied collection of instruments like aseptic room, laminar air flow bench, ao claves, B.O.D. incubators, dry heat sterilizers, filtration assembly for sterilization, antibiotic zone reader, digital colony counting apparatus, refrigerator, microscopes etc. Various experiments set up of the lab include staining and culturing of bacteria using microbial assay, sterility testing.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Laboratory
Practical and testing of chemical, Studying nature of chemical reactions Preparation of the compounds. The laboratory is a well equipped with instruments. The practical related to different pharma sciences programs are performed in this lab.
Pharmacy Practice Laboratory
The Pharmacy Practice lab is used regularly for Objective Structured Clinical Examination in teaching and assessment settings. Student training in the pharmacy practice lab and hospital prepare them as they approach real patients with skill, confidence and professionalism making them practice-ready from the very beginning of their professional career.

Pharmaceutical Analysis Laboratory
Analysis of drug samples for assessing the percentage of purity.

Practical and analysis of medicinal plants Learn to identify theplant and medicinal value.Analytical studies and uses instruments and methods used to separate identify, and quantify analyte and the same is taught in the pharmacognosy Lab.
Central Instrumentation Laboratory

The Central Instrumentation of Facility SPLP has adequate instruments for conducting a practical session in the course curriculum. Instruments like UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Flame Photometer, Colorimeter, Polarimeter and Refractometer help the student to gather the basic and applied knowledge in Pharmacy.