DIY Labs
DIY Labs

At COER University, innovation takes center stage with the establishment of a cutting-edge DIY (Do It Yourself) lab.

hostel room
DIY Labs

This creative hub provides students with a dynamic and hands-on environment to explore, experiment, and bring their ideas to life.

Equipped with state-of-the-art tools, equipment, and resources, The DIY lab empowers students to unleash their creativity and inventiveness.

From designing prototypes to crafting innovative solutions, this space fosters a culture of innovation, problem-solving, and practical skills development. It encourages students to tinker, build, and collaborate on projects that span various fields, from electronics to mechanics. The DIY lab is a testament to COER University's commitment to nurturing inventors and problem solvers.



  • COERians grabbed five First Positions in the fields of Robo War, Robo Soccer & other Robotics Events in ' Youthopia ' the annual tech fest, of D.I.T, Dehradun.
  • Team COER grabbed 5th International Position in LFR+ Wall Following Event in International Technical Fest at IIT Kanpur .
  • Team COER won the First Position in Cyborg- Breaking Robotics Event in ' Cognizance - The National Fest at IIT Roorkee '.
  • COER's first Humanoid Robots were made under DIY and Univeristy’s Innovation Centre.
  • Android Robot for Voice Recognition and Image Processing was designed by the students at DIY centre.
  • COERians grabbed the first position in ' Robotics - 2018 ', the annual technical fest at IIT Roorkee, consecutively for the third time.
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Dr. Aruna Bhat


COER Innovation and Incubation Center


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