Delivering Excellence in Civil Engineering from Blueprint to Reality

Equipped with advanced technology and ergonomic design, our classrooms provide a spacious environment for interactive learning and academic excellence at COER University.
Survey Lab
Our surveying lab offers supplemental experience in fundamental land surveying measurement methods for surveying courses, including precision steel taping methods to perform horizontal measurements, traditional transits and digital theodolites to perform angular measurements, and traditional and automatic levels for elevation measurements.
In addition, students have opportunity to use total station equipment, which enables horizontal, vertical, and angular measurements to be made in one operation.

Building Material Lab
Concrete is the most widely used construction material. The concrete laboratory tests every component in the concrete mix design as well as the concrete mix itself. The lab provides evaluation of the plastic properties of the mix as well as the hardened properties.

Environmental Engineering Lab
The Civil Engineering environmental lab gives you hands- on access to both conventional and state-of-art equipment for the study of the physical, chemical, and biological analysis of water and soil.

The lab is used extensively for environmental courses where water and wastewater experiments are performed, including coagulation, solids analysis, metals and ion analysis, adsorption, titrations, oxygen demand, and bacterial culturing.

Transportation Engineering Lab
Transportation lab consists of equipment used in the testing of bituminous materials such as viscosity, ductility and plasticity and other devices for super-pave testing of bitumen and aggregates. There are other devices for mix design by both Superpave and Marshall Methods.

Hydraulics Lab
A basic knowledge of Fluid mechanics is essential for all the civil engineers as they frequently come across a variety of problems involving flow of fluids, force of fluid on structural surfaces etc. This laboratory is used for experimentation on the properties and behavior of fluids.

Geotechnical Lab
The geotechnical lab is equipped with testing systems for learning principles of strength of soil observing physical behaviors of common engineering soil under various loading conditions, and becoming familiar with modern sensors. The soil lab provides academic and research services through performing all lab tests needed for analysis and study of soil characteristics and its properties.
Structure Lab
The Structural Analysis Lab facilitates in the determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their components. Results of the analysis are used to verify a structure’s fitness for use and the geology lab consists of various materials such as rocks, minerals etc.

COE- Advanced Surveying Lab
The Advanced Surveying Lab focuses on modern surveying techniques used in civil engineering, offering students hands-on experience with state-of-the-art equipment like total stations, GPS and DGPS. The lab emphasizes practical skills in data collection, processing, and analysis, preparing students for professional surveying tasks in diverse engineering projects.

Building Planning and Architecture Lab/ CAD Lab
The lab provides a platform for students to learn architectural drafting, building design, and construction planning using computer-aided design (CAD) software. Students gain practical skills in creating and analyzing architectural drawings and models, essential for modern construction projects.

Departmental Library
In addition to the Central Library Civil Engineering Department has its own Library. It contains a good collection of the books prescribed in the syllabi of Diploma, UG and PG courses, books on advanced and recent topics as well as the important titles and Journals of the domain of Civil Engineering.