
B.Tech CSE with Specialization in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning


4 Years

Eligibility Criteria

Minimum 50% marks in 12th standard examination with Physics Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM). 45% marks for SC/ST categories.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering
B.Tech in CSE a specialization in AI-ML is a four years full-time undergraduate degree program.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are part of computer science that is correlated with each other. These two technologies are the most trending technologies used for creating intelligent systems. This specialization is designed to enable students to build intelligent machines, software, or applications with a cutting-edge combination of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This course discusses AI and ML methods in different fields, including neural networks, signal processing, control, and data mining, to present a unified treatment of machine learning problems and solutions.

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  • Computational Thinking and Programming in C++

  • Python for Everyone

  • Digital Electronics and Computer Organisation

  • Emerging Technologies in Engineering

  • Web Designing

  • Society, Culture and Human Behaviour

  • Computational Thinking and Programming in C++ Lab

  • Python for Everyone Lab

  • Multimedia Tools and Applications Lab

  • Logic Building in C++ and Foundation of Professional Development

  • Object Oriented Programming Using Java

  • Advanced Python

  • Operating System

  • Research Ethics and IPR

  • Open Elective-I

  • Comprehensive Wellbeing and Yoga

  • Object Oriented Programming Using Java Lab

  • Advanced Python Lab

  • Android App Development

  • Logic Building in Python and Reasoning Concepts

  • Data Structures

  • Database Management System

  • Theory of Computation

  • Computer Networks

  • Discrete Structure

  • Open AI Tools

  • Data Structures Lab

  • Database Management System Lab

  • MongoDB Atlas

  • Problem Solving Using Data Structure and DBMS and Analytical Skills and Professional Communication

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms

  • Software Engineering and Project Management

  • Generative AI

  • Open Elective-II

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab

  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab

  • Problem Solving Using AI/ ML and Project Building and Career Preparation

  • Computer Vision

  • Full Stack

  • Virtualization and Cloud Computing

  • Social Computing

  • Big Data Analytics

  • Computer Vision Lab

  • Full Stack Lab

  • Mastery in Data Analytics and Visualizations and Career Advancement

  • Summer Internship Evaluation

  • Deep Learning

  • Internet of Things and Robotics

  • Fog and Edge Computing

  • Mobile and Pervasive Computing

  • Prompt Engineering

  • Open Elective-III

  • Deep Learning Lab

  • Internet of Things and Robotics Lab

  • Sharpening Skills for Competitive Coding and Professional Portfolio and Capstone Project

  • Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality

  • Compiler Design

  • Natural Language Processing

  • Digital Editing

  • Open Elective -IV

  • Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Lab

  • Major Project Phase-I

  • Summer Internship Evaluation

  • Data Warehousing and Data Mining

  • Information Security and Modern Cryptography

  • Open Elective-V

  • Open Elective- VI

  • Major Project Phase-II

Career Path
  • Machine Learning Engineer
  • Data Scientist
  • AI Research Scientist
  • AI Ethics Specialist
  • Computer Vision Engineer
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Engineer
  • AI Product Manager
Career Prospects
USP of AI&ML dept.
  • Innovative Curriculum Integration

  • Industry Collaboration

  • Research Excellence

Program Objectives POs
  • POs 1

    Engineering Knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to solve complex engineering problems.

  • POs 2

    Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

  • POs 3

    Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components, or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

  • POs 4

    Investigation of Complex Problems: Conduct investigations of complex problems using research-based knowledge and research methods, including design of experiments, analysis, and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.

  • POs 5

    Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modeling, to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

  • POs 6

    The Engineer and Society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.

  • POs 7

    Environment and Sustainability: Understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate the knowledge of and need for sustainable development.

  • POs 8

    Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

  • POs 9

    Individual and Team Work: Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings.

  • POs 10

    Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

  • POs 11

    Project Management and Finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one's own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

  • POs 12

    Lifelong Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and lifelong learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcome PSOs
  • PSO1

    Students will develop the ability to apply artificial intelligence and machine learning engineering principles to design, build, test, and deliver solutions for various Industries, including healthcare, finance, and technology.


    The students will possess the skills to leverage data science, deep learning, and neural networks to develop innovative solutions that enhance decision-making, automation, and predictive analytics across diverse applications.

Program Educational Objectives PEOS
  • PEO1

    To equip the students with skills so that they can work and contribute to the continuously changing landscape of IT Industry.

  • PEO2

    To provide research-oriented education with knowledge of state-of-art analytical and experimental tools to enable students to pursue higher studies in institutions of repute in India and abroad.

  • PEO3

    To inculcate culture of professionalism, ethical conduct, team work with good communication skills to enable the students to be successful in their career and enable them to launch start-ups in their chosen field.

Value Added Programs (VAPs)
S. No Name of VAP
  • I
  • II
  • III
  • Web Designing
  • Open AI Tools
  • Comprehensive Wellbeing and Yoga
Admissions 2024
Choosing COER means joining a India's renowned higher education and research institution
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  • COER University

    7th km on Roorkee – Haridwar Road, Vardhmanpuram, Roorkee – 247 667, Distt. Haridwar (Uttarakhand)

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