Dr. Rakhi Bisht
Associate Professor
Bpt Sgrrim & hs (Hnbu Shrinagar Garhwal)
Mpt (Musculoskeletal) Sai Institute of Paramedical Scienes (Hnbu Shrinagar Garhwal)
10 Years
Dr. Rakhi Bisht is Associate Prof. at COER university and graduated and post graduated in from SGRRIM&HS and Sai Institute of Paramedical Scienes (Hnbu Shrinagar Garhwal) Dehradun as an Physiotherapist one must have a strong background in Medical and health care science and be skilled in performing a variety of assessment and evaluation and treatment and play a important role in the rehabilitation and other health related programs .
- Effectiveness of paraffin wax bath over moist heat therapying national conference on recent trends in drug Discovery.In DVCP Rudrapur.