Dr. Veeralakshmi B

Dr. Veeralakshmi B


In COER University classrooms we focus on real life situations, where students connect the dots themselves and are involved in the process of learning. We also allot them short term papers to collect data, identify the gaps, and analyze the practical implications of that topic. It is essential for students to know what the learning outcome is and why they are learning a particular subject. At COER University we focus on multi disciplinary approach where students not only learn subjects related to their domain but electives from different schools as well. For example, business students can learn about IT or AI, and gain insights on technologies that are utilized with their core domain.

Uniqueness of our business school lies in courses we offer and the twist, where students can coordinate and connect their knowledge with other existing technology. In our BCom program we train our students on CFA computerized financial accounting and they also learn ERP packages, which makes them industry ready. Our curriculum is designed with the help of experts from academia and industry. Their knowledge helps identify the gaps between theory and practical implementation. We have introduced practical sessions and case-based teaching that helps students analyze real life business decisions.

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