Yash Sadana

Yash Sadana


My journey at COER has been nothing short of transformative, laying the foundation for my career and professional growth. COER provided me with an excellent academic environment, combining theoretical knowledge with practical exposure. The faculty members at COER are not just educators but mentors who are deeply committed to nurturing the potential within each student. Their guidance and support were invaluable in shaping my understanding of software engineering. One of the standout features of COER is its state-of-the-art infrastructure and well-equipped laboratories. The college's commitment to providing a conducive learning environment significantly enhanced my practical skills. The emphasis on hands-on experience prepared me well for the challenges of the real world. Beyond academics, COER fostered an atmosphere of holistic development. The college actively promotes extracurricular activities, encouraging students to participate in various events, competitions, and clubs. These experiences not only added to my skill set but also enriched my overall college experience. As a 2018 graduate, I am currently working as a Lead Software Engineer at Qualcomm, a testament to the quality of education and preparation I received at COER. The college's industry connections, coupled with its focus on grooming students for the professional world, played a pivotal role in my career placement. In conclusion, I am grateful for the years spent at COER. The college not only imparted knowledge but instilled in me a sense of discipline, perseverance, and a passion for continuous learning. I proudly recommend COER to aspiring engineers seeking a blend of academic excellence and practical exposure. Thank you, COER, for being the cornerstone of my educational and professional journey.

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